Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Looking Forward

“Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ...”
(2 Corinthians 2:14, NKJV)
TODAY’S WORD                  
Isn’t it wonderful to know that God promises to always lead us into victory? That means no matter what is going on in your life today, no matter what’s happening in the world around you, no matter what anybody says, you should always be thanking God because victory is always on the way!
You don’t have to wait for everything to be perfect before you decide to celebrate what God is going to do in your life. Praise is putting action behind your faith. In the middle of adversity or a tough time, start making a list of who you’re going to invite to your victory celebration. That means if you’re in the hospital, start planning what you’re going to do when you get out. If you lost some money when the stock market went down, start planning your coming-out-of-debt party. When things don’t look good in the natural, remember, we serve a supernatural God. With God leading you into victory, you can always plan for increase. You can plan for restoration. You can plan for a comeback, and you can plan for victory because He is leading and guiding you in Jesus’ name!
                 Let Us Pray...                
Heavenly Father, I give You thanks and praise today for the promise of victory. Give me Your vision for the future so that I can move confidently into the abundant life You have for me in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Know This One Thing

“Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring.”
(Proverbs 27:1, ESV)
Do you see every day as a blessed gift from God? Many times when we hear this, we may be tempted to brush it off and say, “Yeah, yeah, I know. Every day is special.” But truly it is! God ordained this day before the foundation of the earth. He has already ordered blessings for you. He has already orchestrated the right opportunities for you. He has already made the right connections for you. On top of that, the air you breathe, the food you eat, and the sunshine on your face are all part of the great blessing that God gives us daily.
Remember, we’re not promised tomorrow, so why waste a single moment living life defeated and depressed? Our attitude should not be, “I have to take care of the kids,” or “I have to mow the lawn today.” It should be, “I get to take care of the kids God has blessed me with,” or “I get to go out and mow the lawn today. That’s part of the house that God has provided.” See every opportunity as a gift. Count your blessings and watch Him multiply them exceedingly all the days of your life!
Father, thank You for giving me this wonderful day. Thank You for every blessing You have prepared. Strengthen me with Your joy and fill me with Your peace as I keep my mind stayed on You in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Think Of Your Best Moments

“Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph...”
(2 Corinthians 2:14, NKJV)
When you think about your past, what events do you remember? What memories do you allow to play over and over in your mind? In the Old Testament, they had what they called memorial stones. These were used to remind the people about the good things God did in their lives — their victories.
Today, we need to remind ourselves to focus on our victories, too. Sure, we’ve all had setbacks, but when you meditate on your disappointments and failures, it only drains you of valuable energy. It steals your confidence and joy. But when you focus on your victories, it builds your strength and confidence. It feeds your faith. It gives you a reason to give God praise.
I encourage you today to get into the habit of focusing on your victories. Remember, every good and perfect gift comes from Him. As you praise and thank Him for His favor and victory in your life, He’ll pour out His blessing on you. He’ll open up supernatural doors for you to move forward in strength to fulfill the dreams and desires He has placed in your heart!
Father, thank You for Your goodness and faithfulness in my life. I choose to focus on my victories and let go of any negative experiences in my past. I bless and praise You today in Jesus’ name. Amen.